Human Trafficking is a $99 billion per year enterprise that is very complex and organized. With an average entry age of 15-years-old, vulnerable victims are preyed upon and exploited through force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of sex work against their will.

Victims are often unaware of the course of action they can take through the civil justice system against the business or corporation where the trafficking took place. While a civil lawsuit cannot cure the pain related to trafficking, it can help compensate the victim for their mental and physical injuries and help them through the healing process.

We understand the profound trauma a client has walked through, and we’re here to seek justice through the civil legal system. Our firm is dedicated to helping trafficking victims obtain the justice, financial compensation, and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.

Call our office for a free and confidential legal consultation.

Contact Fortenberry Firm

Contact the Fortenberry Firm today so that we can help ensure you are compensated for your losses.  There are no out-of-pocket expenses for any client. If you or a loved one has been injured, let us discuss how we can help you, initial consultations are entirely free.
 [email protected]